A Brief Mistakes I've Made
Instead of telling you my achievements, I prefer to share You my mistakes and failures during my career and life.
Not a Professional, yet!

Mindset & Prejudice
Lack of Knowledge
My Fool
“I write list of mistakes below not in timely based to avoid referring to one of my workplaces. You can start to read wherever and stop at any point you desire to stop. One and another are not interconnected and no need to read it sequency. “
“Failure is the successful discovery of what didn’t work”
Dealing with unstable character
Just write it down, explain what your right – responsibility is, and what is their right – responsibility. That’s it. You can only deal with them by showing them what they have written themselves.
You want to upgrade them, but they see it as a threat
People thoughts depend a lot on their background and environment. Do not forget that you have passed a roller coaster life that might be very different with their experienced. You are a fighter; you are a survival. They might not as tough as you. They do not like challenge. They like steadiness. They don’t like change. Your inspiration to be better, is a big bull shit for them. It is not because they do not like you, it just because they can’t reach what you are talking about. They think you always blaming on them, but you think you encourage them to do their best. They were very sentimental; while you think you just act like a pro.
Most people only think about themselves
You are lucky if you can meet people who cares about others. No, mostly they only think about themselves, care about their gain and profit, that’s it. If you want to get advantage from them, you should think how to give them values, profit, advantages. Because you mean nothing if you don’t give them all of those things. It is a default of people behavior. People doing interaction just because they gain advantage from each other. If there is no something in it for others, they will be lazy.
A turtle cannot measure how high bird fly
You think you are great; you think you are so damn good. But the fact is above sky there is another sky. It is a must, that a turtle cannot measure how high bird fly. You think you have seen many things, but you haven’t. You haven’t seen cries, failures, and hard times. You think you have reached level of zero, but possibly you will meet another zero even minus. So, don’t ever think that you have passed a storm, because a good day must be also passed. Those the two couple cannot be separated.
Even if your product so damn good, you still need to match them to market.
You learned that product must be fit with who is the target market. You cannot build an ultimate product for market that do not want something ultimate, who cares only about price and taste, not quality or its benefit. That’s what BMC said, and you have proven yourself. Do not forget about go to market plan. New product needs good marketing plan. New product needs to be well introduced to their customers. You cannot only think about the operation, you should think about A-Z things.
The thing is: Communication
If you’re (you refer to my self) in pressured, feeling exhausted, do not comfort with the situation around you, or need someone to talk to, just communicate it with other. Your Boss is not a fortune teller so they would never know what is in Your mind. Don’t do any shocking movement that will distract the ecosystem around you. Company needs some time to filling empty position. Everything can be discussed. What are you afraid of? People grow, you also have to grow. It is not a sin, when you stupid in doing something new. It is not that hard to say it. You just need a time to take a deep breath and meet the right person to share. Never feel lonely in a team, because you are not alone. You, yourself who set you up in a loneliness. They’re not as frightening as you thought. It might be they were also afraid. It might be they have same stressful as you. They’re just a common people who can push their emotion below just because they have some experience to do it.
So, communication is very important when you are at work, at new environment, or at a new group of people. You are not a kid anymore, nobody will try to understand you, or give a tolerance in what you do, you are the person who should speak up!
Definitely need a bridge for catalyst!
Sometimes it just too far, you are at different world with them. They are frightened of you, you are very fast, and they were slow. The bad news is they had been slow for a long time, and now you come to push their speed! what a shocking experience for them. They can be stressed. The next bad news is, they do not 100% understand what you are saying to them. They do not even know why you do something or not doing something. Of course, they think on it, but the more they think, the more they got frightened. Their limbic brain only asks them to have negative think on you.
So, sometimes you need a bridge. You are not allowed to directly communicate with them. You need a second layer, who can catalyst the process faster. To change something big, you cannot do it alone. You need transformational leaders to help you spread the good atmosphere and stabilize the crisis. Don’t hit them with your own hand, hit them with others hand. Don’t show yourself as Izrail, who will take anyone to hell. Keep calm, act as a big guy who has lot of wisdom.
Don't believe it until You have seen it.
People could say anything they want to convince you, but just don’t believe it before you have seen it. If you cannot see it, have a written backup. People change, and the changes sometimes are really shocking. If you do not prepare a backup before, you will miserably in chaos. Noone can be trusted except your written contract. You can rely on it. It will never lie. Remember, people have selfish. People have their set of morale, which must be completely different with what you have. Do not believe, prudence is the only key to face it.
Focus on activities, not talent
Sometimes you are blown by a very talented person. You think they know what they are doing. They apparently mature, and sometimes really give you a number. Then you forget that managing people is all about their day-to-day activities. Talented people might have win someday, but the one who has grit, persistence, and perseverance are going to win longer and sustainable. You have to focus on what they do, not whether their talented enough or not. Conversion rate is something that you can improve, but numbers never lie.
Big NO for relationship in a team
Even when they are very talented, or have a very good skills, just ignore it. You do not know what is going to be happen in the next week, next month, or next quarter. The relationship will mess everything that you have built. It will destroy your credibility in just a night. You can have a warm heart, but this is a professional career, not a relationship counseling program. Everybody has their own life, what they concern, and what they prefer. Do not mess it up with your work. Work is simpler than personal relationship. You just waste your time to get involved further in a complex relationship problem. Be nice, but do not give extra attention on it. Be straight forward.
Do not build Someone's Empire on a team
What is better than a diverse team? never build someone’s empire on your team. You are preparing the force to against you if you’re doing so. They will talk about you behind your back. Complaining this and this, and finally conclude that you’re not capable in your position. They are friends, old friends, and you are new for them. There will be no competition inside. There will be compromise. So, if you want to build a strong team, you will need a diversified background. You can gain multiple approach, rich working culture, and more harmonious environment.
You think you know them, but test them first!
It might be they were best, but every man has their time, and every time has their man. You might think you know them well at their previous work, but you do not know how they work since then. It could be your good friend but might not be a good team member to work. So, the thing is you should have a test. Do not say many things before ensuring their capabilities still relevant to the requirement you search for. The most important thing is, how could they bring value to the team and support the team with good result.
Of course, they had lied!
Don’t trust them before they show the numbers. You can always ask the same question and drilling it by doing deep dive to the question. They want the job. They will do whatever it takes to get the job. Many lies will occur. Your task is revealing who they really are. Ask them to do a direct call. Ask them to do a cold call. Ask them 3 referrals. Give a big attention to their failure as well as their achievement. Why they fail?
Grow your competencies, money will follow
The best investment you can ever get is invest into yourself. It has direct impact to your personalities and competencies. The thing is, find a place that allow you to grow, not doing the same thing for many years. Find a place that nurture their people. Find a boss that can coach you, as well as mentor you. Find an environment that have a healthy competition inside. They celebrate win and take a big note on failure. Someone get paid 1 billion, someone else get paid 1 million. It just depends on the value their bring to the company. If they could make 1 trillion, of course the company should pay them 10 billion per months even above.
After a certain of the time, you will know that they buy your product not because it is super good, but it just about how good you give them entertainment. Basic entertainment actually ok. The thing is when they ask for money, woman, and drinks. It is an unfortunate fact that most of the industry are not professional. They focus on what is in it for me. Even the government worse than private sector. They will not allow you to get your money if you do not give them something. A very sad reality. But that is the reality. You, yourself choose what to do and how far you could deal with it.
If you have 20% of it, just do it!
It doesn’t need 100% to say yes. If you have 20% of it, just say that you have 20% and want to try fulfill it to 100%. Miracle will come, it is calles Mestakung (Semesta Mendukung). You should have 100 in a very short of time. Just believe that you can do it. If you can imagine it, it means that you can achieve it. God will only give imagination to the right people, the one who could make it happen.
People change, don't be surprised
The only thing that always happen time by time is changes. Everything is changing. Everybody is changing. Don’t be surprised by the time people change. It just shows what it should be shown.
If it is too far, don't give a chance
Do not give any chance to the thing that too far. It won’t help them, but only destroy yourself and what you are going to build. They should gain more competencies, and competencies come from long time journey and good attitude. If they are already old, but do not have set of skills and competencies, must be something wrong with their life. It could be their attitude; it could be their personalities. You should realize that you can’t change someone, you just can change yourself.